
Ben S - Augusta, Maine

"be aware of limitation of cloud resources, and ability to access, whether with or without a subpoena."

Darya Z - Portland, Maine

"Existence and use of airtag."

Kevin M - Brunswick, Maine

"It was simply helpful to learn what can be found on the cloud vs. hardware, and limitations on ability to get that info/records."

Nate M - Machias, Maine

"better knowledge of how to obtain various types of information and data"

Sandra R - Sanford, Maine

"Ensure client's have adequate privacy setting on their phones."

Cathy L - Bradford, Maine

"Deleting properly "

Mariah G - Bar harbor, Maine

"Recommendations to client re their own accounts."

John P - Readfield, Maine

"Need user credentials to get content in most cases."

Eden S - East Machias, Maine

"The website from the Jan 6 rally"

Scott H - Caribou, Maine

"Advising family law clients to disable shared icloud accounts"