Theresa S - Ellsworth, Kansas"I need to network more." |
David G - St. Louis, Missouri"Make more time to get out and network" |
Georgina O - Lakewood, Colorado"I think Roy gave good information about approaching other attorney's and/or professionals to network. " |
Amy M - Salem, Oregon"n/a - law professor " |
Jennifer J - Parkville, Missouri"making and building list of contacts." |
Delberta S - Aurora, Colorado"Start with creating a list." |
John W - Orlando, Florida"Creating a systematic networking plan" |
Ryan W - Saint Louis, Missouri"Probably intentionally sitting next to new people at local bar events/CLE programs. " |
Michael M - Salem, Oregon"Don't talk about controversial topics while networking." |
Stephen B - St. Louis, Missouri"some good ice breakers" |