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Ethics, Juror Misconduct, and Jury Tampering: The Murdaugh Motion For New Trial

Total Credits: 1 including 2 Ethics

Average Rating:
Credit Type:
General |  Legal Ethics |  Trial Practice
Philip Bogdanoff, Esq.
Course Levels:
2 Hours
Access for 365 day(s) after purchase.


Prominent South Carolina attorney Richard Murdaugh was convicted of Murder and he filed a motion for new trial alleging that the clerk of courts tampered with the jury by advising them not to believe Murdaugh’s testimony and pressuring them to reach a quick guilty verdict.  After an evidentiary hearing where a juror indicated they were influenced by the clerk to return a guilty verdict, the judge overruled the motion finding that there was insufficient evidence to overturn the jury’s verdict. 

In this presentation, we will examine the Murdaugh case, watch film clips of testimony regarding jury tampering, discuss case law regarding jury misconduct, and the standard of proof to obtain a new trial. 
Finally, we review ethical rules regarding interaction with the jury and disciplinary cases interpreting these rules.  

Whether you practice civil or criminal law, attendees will benefit from this presentation by learning about juror misconduct, jury tampering, ethics, and a litigant’s right to a fair trial with an impartial jury. The presenter, Philip Bogdanoff, is a nationally recognized presenter who has over 40 years of experience as a prosecutor and has litigated cases involving allegations of juror misconduct.‬



Philip Bogdanoff, Esq.'s Profile

Philip Bogdanoff, Esq. Related Seminars and Products

Philip Bogdanoff is a nationally recognized continuing legal education speaker on the topics of ethics, professionalism, and other related topics. Previously, as an attorney, he served as assistant prosecutor in the Summit County, Ohio Prosecutor’s Office for more than 25 years, beginning in 1981. Mr. Bogdanoff argued cases before the Ohio Ninth District Court of Appeals and twenty cases before the Ohio Supreme Court including six death penalty cases - before retiring as a senior assistant prosecutor. 
He is the author of numerous articles on ethics, professionalism and other related legal topics and has taught the members of numerous organizations including the National Association of Legal Administrators, as well as numerous state and local Bar associations, Prosecuting Attorney's Associations, and law firms. More information about Mr. Bogdanoff is available on his Web site at




Overall:      4.8

Total Reviews: 70


Douglas C - Albuquerque, New Mexico

"It was an interesting deep dive into ethical questions surrounding juries. Not a common CLE topic."

Elizabeth P - Albuquerque, NM

"Use of recent news events to discuss subject matter "

Marcy B - Albuquerque, New Mexico

"interesting information and timely"

Victoria M - Prineville, Oregon

"Utilizing the clips from the various hearings helped reinforce the issues presented, and also kept the seminar engaging."

Mary Ellen W - Cape Elizabeth, Maine

"This was fascinating to hear about an aspect of a highly publicized case that was not known to me - the behavior of an experienced clerk was appalling and it would be interesting to know what if any consequences she has had - how unfortunate that this will likely lead to a new trial."

Jennifer S - Readfield, Maine

"the topic and presentation"

Dov S - Auburn, Maine

"Enjoyed the actual footage and clear legal context he provided for the issues addressed. Thank you!"

Stephen O - Gloucester, Massachusetts

"Informative, relevant and interesting."

Lindsay R - ROCKY RIVER, Ohio

" "

Julie S - Santa Fe, New Mexico

"seeing the live testimony"